Never have i ever questions clean
Never have i ever questions clean

Fell because I was more concerned with my phone than with where I was going.

never have i ever questions clean

Set fire to my or someone else’s hair on purpose.They interrogated someone while they were sleeping.Gotten so sunburned I couldn’t put on a shirt.I have gotten a tattoo and several piercings.I snooped through someone’s phone without their permission.I cried in public for no apparent reason.I visited Disney World and fell in love at first sight.Passed notes in class after failing a subject.I discovered a Christmas present before Christmas.Pranked a sibling while they were sleeping.Put on clothes backward and go unnoticed.Had a crush on a friend’s younger brother.


  • Outside food or drinks are brought into a movie theatre.
  • I was sick to my stomach from eating so much candy.
  • I pretended to be the host of my cooking show.
  • I ate a large pizza by myself and messed up my hair.
  • After watching a scary movie, I stayed up all night.
  • I attempted to blame a sibling for something I did.
  • Clean and Good Never Have I Ever Questions To Keep The Fun Going Never have I ever….
  • I got my finger stuck in a birthday cake.
  • I spent more than 4 hours playing video games in one day.
  • When no one was looking, I fed my dinner to the dog.
  • I wasted hours watching amusing YouTube videos.
  • When I wasn’t getting food poisoning, I told a friend that their cooking was excellent.
  • never have i ever questions clean

    Lied about being sick to get out of something.

    never have i ever questions clean

  • Worn mismatched shoes to work or school.
  • Looked up the meanings of text abbreviations on Google.
  • It’s all good fun and a great way to meet new people! Clean Never Have I Ever Questions Never have I ever…. In this game, there are no winners or losers. When you finish something, you take a sip of soda, pop a piece of bubble gum in your mouth, or hold up a sign that says, “I finished it!”

    Never have i ever questions clean